Please register now for the upcoming Pre-PETS and PETS (President-Elect Training Seminar) sessions. Both will be virtual events this year.
Saturday, February 19th: Pre-PETS: 8:00am - 12:15PM
This will be a virtual training session for incoming Presidents and officers. In this meeting, you will learn about:
- RI and District Structure
- Foundation and District Grants
- Creating and Using a MyRotary Account
- Goal Settings and the Rotary Citation
- Fundraising and Service Projects
- Being Prepared
- Assistant Governors
Additionally, all attendees will be entered into a drawing to win 500 Paul Harris Points! Four lucky winners will be selected.
There is a small $10 registration fee. Zoom information will be sent prior to the meeting.
Friday, March 4th & Saturday, March 5th: PETS
This is a virtual program. All incoming Presidents are expected to attend. Register and learn more here: https://rotarynepets. org/