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Club Presidents and Club RYLA/Youth Coordinators:
It is time to continue one of District 7890’s most successful and rewarding annual programs; namely, RYLA.
We encourage all Rotary clubs to take an active role in the selection process for local high school Sophomores with leadership qualities.
Appoint a RYLA/Youth Coordinator for your club with one or two committee members; someone who knows the high school administrator or the guidance counselor.
Arrange a talk at your Rotary Club about RYLA using the enclosed “RYLA PROGRAM: AN OVERVIEW” as a guide. Propose to the club how many students you will sponsor.
Arrange to have information about RYLA at your high school.
Prior to the RYLA Leadership Camp, invite the selected Sophomore student(s) to your club and offer them the experience and knowledge of Rotary’s purposes and programs.
After the RYLA Leadership Camp, invite them back to your club to relate their RYLA day experiences. We guarantee they will make the club membership feel great!
Send an article about RYLA to your local news media.
District 7890 RYLA Program
WHEN: Saturday, June 1, 2024 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Springfield College East Campus, Springfield, MA
FOR: High School Sophomores
COST: $200.00 per student
* Application Deadline: May 19, 2024 -NO EXCEPTIONS *
Duplicate, if necessary, the enclosed RYLA application and Springfield College Release of Liability Form and ask the school to give copies to interested students. Pick up all completed forms at a pre-arranged time with the school.
*Return with the Springfield College Liability Form and payment to District RYLA Registrar.
*Please be sure that an officer of your club signs all applications, or they will not be accepted.
Instructions on how to get to the RYLA Leadership Ropes Course and Leadership Camp, confirmation, itinerary, and all other pertinent information will be sent to all parties when we receive each student’s application.
Questions: Ask any of the following District RYLA Committee Members:
Karen Andrews, PDG…860-683-1710 Peter Brunault…..…..413-531--0730
Charlie Copeland…..860-778-6473 Ann Marie Ottoson….. 413-530-5996
Adele Hill ……… 413-427-4956 Larry N. Ottoson, PDG. 413-525-7116
Pam Lupoli……... 860-688-6846 Diane Ryan ………… 413-221-9122
Vin Marinaro……413-882-1647 Bruce Posocco……. 860-944-902