South India
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Summary Project Description:
In South Asia, including India, more than half of the population consumes unsafe, contaminated and polluted drinking water. Due to poor water quality the occurrences of intestinal diseases are wide spread. Children are most affected by water borne disease leading to poor health and often death. Kolar District is one of the poorest areas in south India. Potable water is simply not available in most areas. There are no water treatment facilities and bottled water is too expensive for most people to afford.

Pictured in photo above, two young women in Kolar, India pour undrinkable water into a bio-sand filter provided by the Thomaston Rotary Club. The filter's simple mechanics cleanse the water and render it potable for drinking and cooking.

For further info on project see Download Files on left hand menu.

Sponsoring Club:
Rotary Club of Thomaston, CT

Club Contact:
For further information, please contact: Susan Holway - Water Project Chair